Why Become an ESL Teacher? (A Teacher’s Answer)

Meet David De’ Ath, founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike.

English is a global language, a key to unlocking opportunities in various spheres of life.

This widespread interest in learning English has significantly increased the need for skilled ESL (English as a Second Language) teachers.

As a result, many individuals are considering ESL teaching as a viable career path, whether immediately after university or as a career shift.

If you find yourself intrigued by the possibility of teaching English, it’s essential to understand what this choice entails and its potential impacts on both your life and the lives of your students.

The role of an ESL teacher extends beyond mere language instruction.

It involves shaping the future of learners by opening doors to global opportunities.

The profession of teaching ESL offers unique benefits, including the chance to travel, earn a competitive salary, and grow personally and professionally. There is also a huge demand for qualified English teachers in countries all around the world, from the bustling cities of China to the relaxing coasts of Mexico.

As someone who has spent years teaching ESL, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact this career can have.

My journey into ESL teaching began as a post-university adventure, leading me to China, a decision I have never regretted.

This article provides insights into the compelling reasons to consider a career in ESL teaching and what you can expect from this fulfilling profession.

While ESL teaching is rewarding, it’s not a one-size-fits-all career.

It’s crucial to contemplate if this path aligns with your personal and professional goals.

Below, I will share some primary reasons why many embark on this rewarding teaching journey.

Let’s explore what makes teaching ESL an appealing and potentially life-changing career choice.

English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers are in demand in many countries around the world.

Why Become an ESL Teacher

Embarking on a career as an ESL teacher can be a transformative and enriching experience.

This path is not just about teaching a language; it’s about opening up a world of possibilities and adventures.

The journey of an ESL teacher is filled with diverse experiences shaped by various countries and institutions, offering a unique perspective on the world.

In this article, I will outline the top eight reasons why pursuing a career in ESL teaching is a rewarding and wise decision.

Each of these reasons highlights the many benefits of this profession, from personal growth to making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

ESL teaching offers a dynamic and fulfilling pathway, whether you’re seeking direction, adventure, or a meaningful career change.

So, let’s dive into these compelling reasons and discover why becoming an ESL teacher could be one of the best decisions you ever make:

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1. Travel

The allure of travel is one of the most enticing aspects of becoming an ESL teacher.

This profession isn’t just about imparting language skills; it’s an opportunity to live and work in different countries, immersing yourself in diverse cultures.

This cultural exchange enriches your understanding of the world and allows you to share your heritage with your students, creating a two-way learning experience.

For someone like me, a British national, the dream of traveling across Asia once seemed like a distant fantasy.

Destinations like Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia, and South Korea were intriguing but seemed unreachable due to distance and cost.

However, my move to China as an ESL teacher transformed this dream into reality.

Living here has made exploring these fascinating countries more accessible and affordable.

If traveling and immersing yourself in cultures vastly different from your own excites you, then a career in ESL teaching could be your gateway to exploring the world.

It’s not just a job; it’s a journey into the heart of diverse societies and a chance to witness the world from an entirely new perspective.

Teaching ESL can provide you with an excellent opportunity to travel and explore.

2. Job Security and a Good Salary

Job security and a competitive salary are major draws to the profession of ESL teaching.

In a world where job markets fluctuate, and the future of many professions is uncertain due to automation, ESL teaching stands out as a field with increasing demand and stability.

This demand for English language instruction is not just a current trend but is expected to grow, offering excellent job prospects for those in the field.

According to the International TEFL Academy, approximately 250,000 native English speakers are working as English teachers in over 40,000 schools and language institutes worldwide.

This statistic is a testament to the global reach and significance of ESL teaching.

In an age where many worry about the security of their jobs, ESL teachers find themselves in a fortunate position, with their skills being sought after globally.

Moreover, ESL teachers often benefit from competitive salaries.

What makes this even more advantageous is the fact that many ESL teachers work in countries where the cost of living is lower than in their home countries.

This disparity allows for a higher quality of life and the opportunity to save money more efficiently than in other sectors.

Even those just starting their careers in ESL teaching can expect to earn salaries around $35,000 annually, a substantial amount considering the added benefits of travel and cultural immersion.

For insights into how much different countries around the world pay their English teachers, check out the guide below!

Related Article: How Much Does Teaching English Abroad Pay? (Guide for 2024)

Teaching ESL can provide teachers with an opportunity to save money.

3. Personal and Professional Development

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Becoming an ESL teacher is more than just a career choice; it’s a pathway to significant personal and professional development.

This profession challenges and rewards in equal measure, offering unparalleled growth opportunities.

As an ESL teacher, you will refine your teaching skills, gain a profound understanding of different cultures, and deepen your grasp of the English language.

My own journey as an ESL teacher is a testament to this transformative power.

When I first arrived in China in 2019, I was out of shape, had no savings, and couldn’t speak a word of Chinese.

Now, I’m in the best health of my life, financially secure, and on my way to becoming bilingual.

This personal growth has made me a better individual and a more effective educator.

The professional development in ESL teaching is equally significant.

Having gained experience, I am frequently approached by recruiters for teaching positions at various schools, which provides a sense of security knowing there are always opportunities available.

This aspect of the job is incredibly reassuring, as it signifies a stable and evolving career path.

Furthermore, the scope of ESL teaching is vast.

You can work in different settings, such as private language schools, public schools, and universities, or even venture into starting your own language school.

The diversity of students, ranging from young children to adults and from business professionals to refugees, ensures that every teaching experience is unique and enriching.

This career is not just about teaching language; it’s about making a tangible difference in the lives of your students.

Improving their English skills opens up a world of opportunities for them, including better job prospects, access to higher education, and the ability to explore different cultures.

The impact you can have as an ESL teacher is profound and far-reaching, making it a truly rewarding profession.

In the article below, find out what it takes to be a good ESL teacher!

Related Article: How to Be a Good ESL Teacher – Teacher’s Guide

Teaching ESL provides ample opportunity to grow personally and professionally.

4. Work-Life Balance

ESL teaching is a fulfilling career choice and offers a degree of flexibility and work-life balance that is rare in many other professions.

One of the key advantages of being an ESL teacher is the potential to tailor your schedule, especially if you are teaching online.

This flexibility is particularly appealing to those who wish to travel or prefer working from home, providing freedom that suits various lifestyles.

The nature of your workload as an ESL teacher can vary greatly depending on the type of school you work for.

I have known ESL teachers who have had the luxury of teaching just a few sessions a week without any office hours, allowing them ample time to pursue personal interests or travel.

This setup is ideal for those who value a relaxed lifestyle with plenty of time for personal pursuits.

On the other end of the spectrum, some ESL teachers work in busier environments, such as public or international schools.

These positions often come with a more structured and demanding schedule, which might suit those who thrive on a busy routine and enjoy the hustle of a more traditional work setting.

No matter your preference for a work-life balance, there is likely a teaching opportunity that fits your needs.

Whether you’re looking for a structured, busy environment or a more laid-back schedule with lots of free time, ESL teaching has diverse options to accommodate different lifestyles.

This flexibility is one of the many reasons a career in ESL teaching can be attractive and satisfying.

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5. Opportunities for Continued Education

ESL can be an excellent field for those seeking opportunities for continuous education.

For example, some teachers advance in this field by pursuing a master’s degree in TESOL or another related course.

These degree programs provide a comprehensive understanding of teaching English to non-native speakers, including language acquisition theories, teaching methodologies, and curriculum design.

ESL teachers can also benefit from attending workshops and conferences.

These events offer opportunities to learn from experts in the field, share experiences with other teachers, and discover new teaching techniques and materials.

Many workshops and conferences focus on specific aspects of ESL teaching, such as pronunciation, grammar, or classroom management.

Online courses are another option for ESL teachers looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

These courses are often flexible and affordable, allowing teachers to learn at their own pace and from anywhere with an internet connection.

Many reputable online courses cover a wide range of topics, from teaching grammar to using technology in the classroom.

I have also known teachers with other interests in undergoing part-time online degrees in their free time.

Teaching ESL can offer opportunities for further education.

6. Amazing Students

One of the most rewarding aspects of being an ESL teacher is forming meaningful connections with your students.

As you guide them towards achieving their language goals, you become a pivotal part of their journey, witnessing their progress and growing confidence in real time.

This close interaction with learners of various ages and skill levels is fulfilling and offers a unique insight into their development and aspirations.

As an ESL teacher, I have encountered numerous exceptional students, each leaving a mark on my memory.

These students often surprise you with their intelligence, kindness, and dedication, which rewards the teaching experience.

While forming deep bonds with students is a universal aspect of teaching, regardless of the subject, ESL teaching is particularly rich in these experiences.

The nature of language learning, often involving personal expression and cultural exchange, fosters an environment where students are typically very engaged and eager to learn.

This creates an atmosphere where meaningful relationships can flourish, not just between teacher and student but also among students themselves.

The experience of teaching ESL is thus deeply human and relational.

It’s about more than just imparting language skills; it’s about connecting with individuals from diverse backgrounds, understanding their aspirations, and playing a significant role in their journey to mastering a new language.

This aspect of ESL teaching makes it unique and fulfilling, both personally and professionally.

Developing solid relationships with your students can be an enriching experience.

7. Language Skills

The role of an ESL teacher offers a unique opportunity to enhance your own language skills.

Constant exposure to the English language in various contexts allows for continuous learning and improvement.

This aspect of the job is especially beneficial for those who appreciate the intricacies of language and communication.

My understanding of the English language has significantly improved since I began my journey as an ESL teacher.

Teaching has deepened my knowledge of grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and phonics.

This continuous learning process is one of the most rewarding aspects of being an ESL teacher.

It’s a field where there’s always something new to learn, and each day presents an opportunity to refine and expand your language skills.

On top of this, ESL teaching can be the gateway to learning a new language.

For instance, living and teaching in China has allowed me to study Mandarin.

While I may still sound quite basic to native speakers, the ability to have simple conversations is a milestone that once seemed unattainable.

This personal growth in language proficiency is not just professionally fulfilling but also enriches personal experiences and interactions in daily life.

The chance to better understand your language or another language comes with teaching ESL.

8. It’s Both Rewarding And Challenging

The eighth and final point to consider about teaching ESL is that it’s both a gratifying and challenging profession.

Whether you are an experienced ESL instructor or just beginning your journey, this field offers a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape that is both stimulating and rewarding.

Every day in ESL teaching brings new experiences, opportunities, and challenges.

These not only contribute to the enhancement of your student’s language skills but also facilitate your personal and professional growth.

The diversity of students, each with unique backgrounds and stories, enriches the teaching experience.

As an ESL teacher, you play a crucial role in helping your students overcome linguistic and cultural barriers, fostering an environment of mutual learning and understanding.

Beyond the educational aspect, teaching ESL is also fun and intellectually stimulating.

The need to adapt to different learning styles, cultural nuances, and educational needs keeps your mind active and engaged, which is a critical element of job satisfaction for many.

These experiences are just a few of the many reasons why I find teaching ESL so rewarding.

It’s a profession that combines the joy of travel, the fulfillment of helping others achieve their goals, and the excitement of continuous personal development.

For anyone who cherishes these career aspects, I highly recommend considering a path in ESL teaching.

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To anyone passionate about education, language, and exploring other cultures, ESL may be the perfect choice for you.

With an ever-growing demand for teachers, this field offers numerous career opportunities, high job security, competitive salaries, and personal and professional growth.

ESL teachers get to work with people from diverse backgrounds, further broadening their understanding of the world.

It may not be for everyone, but I can safely say that many ESL teachers I have known were pleased with their chosen path.

It can offer a rewarding and fulfilling life full of adventure and meaningful encounters.

We hope this helps you better understand why becoming an ESL teacher can be a great choice.

Have a wonderful day!

Image Attribution: All images licensed via canva.com

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