How to Teach English to Kids – A Teacher’s Guide 

David De' Ath

Meet David De’ Ath, founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike.

Unlocking the world of English for children is not just an educational quest but a journey filled with excitement and joy.

The right approach can spark a deep-rooted passion for the language in young minds.

Whether you’re a dedicated teacher, a nurturing parent, or a caring caregiver, the journey of teaching English is rich with rewards.

Explore engaging methods for teaching English to children: interactive activities, storytelling, visual learning, and cultural exposure. Focus on conversation, technology, tailored teaching, and positive feedback. Involve parents in a supportive environment, ensuring fun and effective learning.

This guide offers ten creative and effective strategies that will help you design a learning experience that is not only educational but also highly engaging and interactive.

So, let’s dive into these tips and transform how we introduce the enchanting world of English to our young learners!

How to Teach English to Kids | A Teacher’s Guide | Wonderful World English

How to Teach English to Kids

Teaching English to children can be incredibly rewarding.

The steps in this guide are tailored to make the process of acquiring English enjoyable and successful for every child.

Let’s explore these proven strategies that can turn language learning into an adventure filled with fun, growth, and discovery:

1. Make Learning Fun with Interactive Activities

First and foremost, kids want to have fun!

If lessons are mundane, they will be far less likely to pay attention and retain information.

This can be frustrating for both teachers and students, so it’s essential to keep things engaging by creating a vibrant and captivating learning environment.

This is absolutely key to capturing the interest of young minds.

Teachers can open a world where learning English becomes an adventure rather than a chore by weaving games, lively songs, and hands-on activities into the fabric of language lessons.

These playful methods are effective in anchoring the lessons deeply in the children’s minds, making vocabulary and grammar lessons stick.

This approach transforms the educational experience into a fun-filled journey, enhancing both the joy of learning and the effectiveness of language retention.

Check out the guide below for a list of some of the BEST games for teaching English!

Related Article: Fun Classroom Games to Play – Teacher’s Guide

2. Include Storytelling and Reading

Delving into the art of storytelling and the joy of reading opens a treasure chest of language-learning opportunities for children.

These timeless tools open gateways to imagination and understanding of an endless list of fascinating worlds.

By engaging young learners with children’s books that use simple yet captivating sentence structures, you introduce them to a kaleidoscope of new words in a context that makes sense to them.

Regular reading sessions bolster their vocabulary and finely tune their pronunciation and comprehension skills.

This allows students to embark on a magical journey through stories, where each page turned is a step further in their language mastery.

If you need a guide on how to help a young child improve their reading, click the link below!

Related Article: How to Improve Reading Skills of a Child – Teacher’s Tips

Reading is a key component in understanding the fundamentals of the English language.

3. Use Visual Aids

When teaching English to children, visual aids are like vibrant, colorful brushstrokes on the canvas of their minds.

This mode of learning resonates profoundly with young learners as it taps into their innate love for color and imagery.

Incorporating flashcards, vivid charts, and engaging videos into lessons breathes life into new words and concepts.

These visual elements transform learning into a dynamic and unforgettable experience.

Through these visual storytelling tools, each new word and idea becomes a memorable image, etched into their imagination, making the journey of language learning as vivid as it is effective.

4. Practice and Repetition

The cornerstone of language acquisition, especially for young learners, lies in the power of practice and repetition.

Consistent engagement with the language through various activities is crucial for deepening their understanding and retention.

Encouraging children to write simple sentences allows them to actively construct language, while speaking exercises give them the confidence to use English in real-life scenarios.

Regular listening to English, whether through songs, stories, or conversations, fine-tunes their auditory skills and reinforces their learning.

This routine of revisiting and practicing the language solidifies their grasp of English while nurturing a comfortable familiarity with its rhythms and nuances.

There are some excellent games available that can help young learners master English both in and out of the classroom.

Check out the list below for a list of the BEST ones available!

Related Article: Best Games to Learn English: Ultimate Guide

Flashcards and other visual aids are incredibly powerful tools in language learning.

5. Cultural Immersion

Taking the learning experience beyond the confines of the classroom, cultural immersion offers a rich and engaging way to deepen children’s understanding of English.

By introducing young learners to the diverse tapestry of English-speaking cultures through music, movies, and captivating stories, they gain more than just linguistic skills.

This approach provides a context to the language, allowing children to see its practical and lively usage in various cultural settings.

It’s a journey that not only broadens their linguistic horizons but also keeps their curiosity piqued and their connection to the learning process strong.

Through cultural immersion, children don’t just learn a language; they experience the world it opens up for them.

My young ESL students love to learn about new and interesting places, so teaching them about English-speaking parts of the world while introducing new vocabulary is a very effective way to help them broaden their English skills.

6. Speak, Learn, Repeat

The essence of mastering any language lies in its practical use, and this is where conversational English plays a pivotal role in teaching children.

Encouraging young learners to actively use English in their everyday conversations is a critical step towards fluency.

Engaging them in role-playing exercises, discussions about their daily experiences, or conversations about their hobbies can enhance their speaking skills while building confidence in using the language in various contexts.

This method of ‘speak, learn, repeat’ turns abstract lessons into tangible skills, allowing children to weave English naturally into their communication.

Through these interactive exchanges, they truly begin to own the language, making it a part of their daily expression.

Keeping things relevant to the student’s lives is also very important.

For example, teaching a child about business English doesn’t make much sense because they have no direct experience in a business setting.

Teaching them about things they know, like animals, toys, food, and places, will be much more effective in helping them understand and apply the English they have been taught.

Roleplays for daily life situations such as shopping at the supermarket or going to the restaurant are especially effective in helping students internalize the newly learned language and associating it with prior knowledge.

As with most things in life, practice makes perfect!

7. Make the Most of Technology

In today’s digital age, technology is a powerful ally in the quest to teach English to children.

The plethora of educational apps and online resources available opens up a new dimension of interactive learning.

These digital tools are gateways to a world where language learning becomes more engaging, accessible, and versatile.

From interactive games that reinforce vocabulary to online stories that improve reading skills, technology offers a range of dynamic learning experiences.

It supplements traditional teaching methods, providing a modern twist to language education that resonates with the tech-savvy younger generation.

By integrating these digital tools into the learning process, children get to explore and learn English in a way that is both fun and in tune with the times.

It’s important not to overuse technology, however.

It’s best to use technology to supplement traditional methods for the best results.

AI has rapidly emerged on the scene in recent months and is set to transform learning.

For a list of the TOP 5 AI-powered tools for learning English that can help young and mature students, the guide below has it all!

Related Article: Best AI-Powered Tools for Learning English (Top 5)

8. Cater to Individual Needs

Recognizing the individuality of each child is a key element in effective language teaching.

Every child comes with their own set of interests, abilities, and ways of learning.

Educators and parents can create a more impactful and motivating learning experience by personalizing English lessons to cater to these unique needs.

Tailoring lessons might involve using a child’s favorite stories to teach vocabulary, incorporating their hobbies into language activities, or adapting teaching methods to suit different learning styles.

This approach keeps children engaged and interested and ensures that the learning process is aligned with their individual pace and preferences.

In doing so, personalized learning becomes a powerful tool, enabling children to explore English in the most effective and enjoyable way.

Try personalizing lessons and content to suit the child’s hobbies and interests!

9. Celebrate Every Success

The role of positive reinforcement in language learning, especially for children, cannot be overstated.

Celebrating every small milestone and effort in learning English goes a long way in building a child’s confidence and enthusiasm for the language.

Acknowledging their progress, whether it’s mastering a new word, constructing a sentence correctly, or simply participating in a language activity, provides them with the encouragement and motivation to continue learning.

This practice of recognizing and praising their achievements reinforces their interest and commitment to the language.

It’s a simple yet profound strategy that boosts their self-esteem and positively influences their overall language development journey.

Offering rewards like stickers and small toys can be excellent in acknowledging progress, or even a simple smile or high five can effectively praise and keep students motivated and positive.

10. Involve Parents

Including parents in the journey of teaching English to children is a strategy that amplifies the effectiveness of the learning process.

When parents are involved, the lessons extend beyond the classroom, creating a nurturing and consistent language environment at home.

Encouraging parents to practice English with their children through reading together, engaging in conversation, or participating in language games reinforces the concepts and skills learned in class.

This collaborative effort bolsters the child’s language acquisition while fostering a sense of teamwork and support in their English learning journey.

Parental involvement can be a crucial component that solidifies the foundation of English learning, making it a shared, family-oriented adventure.

Consistent encouragement and positive reinforcement is crucial when teaching a child English.


Embarking on the path of teaching English to children is rich in discovery, wonder, and joy.

These carefully implemented strategies pave the way for a learning environment that nurtures a love for the language while instilling a deep-seated confidence in its use.

The essence of this journey lies in recognizing and valuing the individuality of each young learner, ensuring that the language acquisition process is as enjoyable as it is educational.

By keeping the lessons fun, interactive, and uniquely tailored to suit the diverse needs of each child, educators and parents can lay the foundation for a lifelong appreciation and mastery of the English language.

The seeds of language fluency are sown in this nurturing and engaging atmosphere, promising a future where children communicate with confidence and creativity.

We hope you find value in this guide, and you can contact us if you require any assistance.

Have a wonderful day!

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