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How to Sharpen Writing Skills – Full Guide

How to Sharpen Your Writing Skills

How to Sharpen Writing Skills – Full Guide

Meet David De’ Ath, co-founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike. 

Writing is a cornerstone in all developed societies and a skill that is valued highly all around the world.

Whether it’s academic, professional, or personal, there are endless benefits that can come with being able to write well.

It is no secret, however, that writing is a skill that can be difficult to master.

Some people struggle to express their thoughts through writing effectively, whereas others seem to do it with ease.

Fortunately, some valuable tips and strategies can help people become more proficient writers. These include reading, learning proper grammar, expanding vocabulary, and regular practice. Anyone can improve their writing skills with the appropriate guidance, whether for academia, creativity, work, or personal use.

I am an experienced teacher with a background in journalism.

Good writing skills are essential in ensuring the best results in both fields.

In this guide, I will offer some useful tips and strategies that you can implement to improve your writing skillset.

You’re in the right place, whether writing long-form, such as an essay, article, book, or short-form, like an email, poem, or message.

This guide will provide valuable advice to help take your literary work to the next level.

Notebooks at the ready. Let’s jump in!

Sharpen Your Writing Skills @WonderfulWorldEnglish

How to Sharpen Your Writing Skills

First and foremost, we must understand why good writing skills are so important!

In today’s digital age, more and more people rely on technology to write and spell.

This is, in turn, causing many people to become less proficient writers.

Good writing skills are vital in effective communication, allowing us to convey our ideas clearly and concisely.

If a person can write well, the likelihood of misinterpretation is significantly reduced.

Whether crafting an essay, writing a report, or messaging someone, having good writing skills will be very advantageous.

A person who can write well is seen as more credible, and it can help them garner more influence and career prospects.

Now let’s look at some steps to help you brush up on your writing skills:

1. Understand the Writing Process

To sharpen your writing skills, it’s crucial to understand the writing process.

This is specifically applicable to long-form writing but is also relevant to short-form.

Whether in the form of books, essays, articles, etc., there is a process that many good writers will implement.

This process will begin with brainstorming and outlining a plan and goal of the writing.

Once writers know what they want to accomplish, they can begin outlining and producing their first draft.

After the first draft, it will require revision and editing.

A piece of writing may need editing several times before the author is pleased with the result.

By familiarizing yourself with this process, it will help you streamline your writing and ability to produce better-polished literary works.

Check out the guide below for some great apps for improving your English writing skills!

Related Article: Best Apps to Improve English Writing Skills

Understanding the writing process is the first step in sharpening your writing skills.

2. Read More

Any accomplished writer can attest that one of the best ways someone can enhance their writing skills is to read more!

By immersing yourself in a wide range of literature, you will better understand different writing styles.

Reading more can help expand your vocabulary and provide great insights into expressing yourself effectively through writing.

If you want to learn to write well, immerse yourself in reading. Wide reading, particularly of those who write well, will help you to absorb a great deal about the craft of writing—about structure of sentences and patterns of paragraphs, word choice, punctuation, rhythm, and so on.


So, if you’re looking to enhance your writing skills, make sure to read more!

You may be surprised at just how effective this can be in helping the words flow better.

Reading more is a sure way to improve your writing.

3. Expand Your Vocabulary

A hallmark of a skilled writer is having an extensive vocabulary.

It is important to get in the habit of learning new words regularly.

This can be done by utilizing dictionaries, thesauruses, and vocabulary-building apps.

Personally, if I’m reading something or listening to a podcast, and I come across a word I’m not familiar with, I will look up its meaning and learn it.

Not only does an extensive vocabulary take one’s writing to the next level, but it also makes them appear smarter!

Try incorporating new words into your speech and writing; you will be well on your way to improving your vocabulary and writing skills.

I find vocabulary.com to be an excellent vocabulary-enhancing tool.

4. Brush up on Grammar

Another critical factor that significantly improves a body of writing is proper grammar and sentence structure.

These are the backbone of any well-written piece, and aspiring writers should brush up on them to improve their writing game.

This means reviewing grammar rules and practicing writing grammatically correct sentences.

By paying attention to correct punctuation, verb tenses, etc., you will produce a more impactful piece of writing.

There are some great online resources available that can assist you in this process.

Click here to brush up on the 12 rules of grammar.

As mentioned above, I am an experienced teacher.

I teach English as a Second Language (ESL), and grammar is a big component.

If you’re curious about how to teach grammar to ESL students or how you can improve your grammar, check out the article below!

Related Article: How to Teach Grammar to ESL Students – Teacher’s Guide

Good grammar is an essential component of effective writing.

5. Practice Regularly

As with any skill, to improve, you need to practice!

Setting aside time each day or week to write will help improve your ability.

You can practice many great ways regularly, including blogging, journaling, or engaging in writing exercises.

The bottom line is that the more you write, the more your skills will develop.

And this will significantly enhance your ability to express yourself through words.

Regular practice is paramount in sharpening your writing skills.

6. Welcome Feedback

Seeking feedback from others, especially if they are good writers, can be a fantastic way to hone your writing skills.

You can share your work with people you trust, such as friends, mentors, or in writing communities.

You should welcome constructive criticism to help you grow and improve areas needing work.

A friend and I used to agree that we would send each other a piece of writing once a week for the other to give feedback.

It could be a poem, a song, or an article; it didn’t matter just as long as we sent something!

This was a great motivator and a lot of fun to have a writing buddy who shared the same appreciation for the art form.

It can be very advantageous to use feedback to help you refine your writing and address any areas of improvement.

Seek feedback and constructive criticism.

7. Develop a Writing Style

All great writers have their own styles.

You can find your voice by experimenting with different techniques and exploring different genres, which will help set you apart as a writer.

It’s a good idea to cultivate a writing style that reflects you and resonates with whoever is reading it.

You can take inspiration from authors you are already fond of and see how to add your unique flavor to create your style.

This process can be a lot of fun; writing is a form of art, after all!

Understanding convention skills in English is crucial in sharpening your writing.

For an ultimate guide on these convention skills, check out the link below!

Related Article: Convention Skills in Writing: Ultimate Guide

Develop your writing style to express yourself fully.

8. Utilize Online Resources

There is a wealth of resources available online for aspiring writers to access.

These can be very useful in sharpening your writing skills.

Take advantage of writing blogs, forums, courses, and acclaimed websites offering tips, tutorials, and exercises to help you become a better writer.

Many of these materials are free and will help you improve your writing if you take the time to learn from them.

Online teaching has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Have you ever wondered whether learning online is as effective as learning in the classroom?

Find out in the article below!

Related Article: Is Online Learning as Good as Face-to-Face Learning?

Use online tools to help you.

9. Overcome Writer’s Block

If you are struggling with writer’s block, you’re not alone.

This has been the bane of many writers, including myself!

Fortunately, there are some useful ways in which you can overcome it.

You can try freewriting, or simply changing your environment/walking in nature can effectively overcome writer’s block.

Freewriting means a writer doesn’t stop writing and doesn’t take the time to edit or adjust the ideas on the page even if a mistake is made. The ideas are meant to be unstructured and messy in a freewriting exercise.

University of Illinois Springfield

It’s important not to let writer’s block stress you out.

It happens to the best of writers; remain calm and be content in the knowledge that you will finish your masterpiece.

Seeking inspiration from nature, books, or art can be a great way to reach the fluid creativity you seek.

Remember, writing is a process, and it’s normal to experience obstacles.

Keep pushing forward, and let the creativity flow!

Don’t let writer’s block put you off!

10. Edit and Proofread

To ensure the best quality final product, editing and proofreading your work is essential.

Once you have finished a draft, you must review it, check for any errors, and look for parts that can be improved.

Check for clarity, coherence, grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes.

You may want to repeat this several times before you are pleased with the results.

This process can be tedious, but taking your writing to the next level is essential.

You could always seek another writer to help you with this, but we suggest reviewing your work first to enhance your writing skillset.

Consider reading your work out loud and listen for any awkward phrasing or inconsistencies.

In doing so, you will surely polish a piece of writing in its first draft significantly.

Always remember to edit and proofread your work.

11. Nurture Creativity

Writing is a creative process and should be nurtured.

Skillful writers will engage in activities that inspire them, whether listening to music, walking in nature, or going for a run.

Whatever gets your creative juices flowing, do more of it, and you will be bound to attract more serendipitous moments.

Embrace new experiences, keep a journal of ideas, and let yourself think outside the box.

By boosting creativity, an author can bring more zest and splendor to their writing.

12. Experiment with Different Forms of Writing

The final step in this guide to sharpen your writing skills is to explore different forms.

If a writer can spread their wings and focus on more than one form of writing, it will broaden their repertoire and allow them to adapt their writing styles.

This can be achieved by practicing different types of content such as essays, articles, stories, poems, songs, and whatever else you can think of!

Each type of writing will require a different approach and set of skills.

This will be a great way to bring new dimensions into any writer’s arsenal and help them refine their unique style.

You should also keep a catalog of your works, whether online or in a journal or notebook.

This will be a great way to track your progress and give you something sentimental to hold on to for the rest of your life.

Doing this will allow you to discover new strengths and become your best writer!

Try different forms of writing to add depth to your writing.


In conclusion, having sharp writing skills can be a huge asset and is recognized as a desirable skill worldwide.

Developing good writing requires dedication and practice.

Understanding the writing process, building a more robust vocabulary, and knowing proper grammar rules are essential to producing better-quality writing.

Aspiring writers, especially online, can access many useful materials.

To build confidence in writing, it’s crucial to practice, proofread, and edit your work to polish it to be a piece of work you can be proud of.

Remember, writing is a personal expression, and each writer has their unique voice.

Embrace your individuality, embrace the joy of writing, and let your words captivate and inspire the lives of others.

We hope this guide has helped you better understand how to sharpen your writing skills.

Image Attribution: All images licensed via canva.com

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