Is Teaching English Online Worth It? – Pros and Cons

Meet David De’ Ath, founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike. 

Teaching English online has emerged as a prominent method for educators around the globe to connect with students and provide language instruction.

With the rise of digital workplaces and a growing desire for flexibility, this mode of education presents unique advantages and challenges that merit consideration.

Educators considering this path must weigh the potential flexibility and opportunities for travel, often a draw for those with a digital nomad lifestyle, against the practicalities of remote work, such as technological dependencies and the need for self-discipline.

Teaching English online is a viable career option for anyone who is passionate about teaching and enjoys flexibility in their daily lives. There are some drawbacks, however, from technical difficulties to maintaining engagement from students, especially younger learners; online teaching has several pros and cons.

While the digital teaching environment can offer teachers control over their hours and a chance to work from any location, it also requires a comprehensive understanding of the online domain’s nuances.

As with any career decision, understanding what it takes to excel and the realistic outcomes in terms of career growth and earnings is crucial.

Aspiring online English teachers must assess their compatibility with an online setting and the strategies they might employ to maximize their impact and income in this competitive sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Teaching English online provides flexibility and the option for a digital nomad lifestyle.
  • A clear understanding of the online teaching realm is essential for success.
  • Strategic approaches to professional development can enhance earning potential in online English teaching.
There are several great aspects of teaching English online.

Pros and Cons of Teaching English Online

Teaching English online has gained popularity due to convenience and accessibility, yet it is also met with unique challenges that potential educators should consider.

Advantages of Online English Teaching

  • Flexibility: One of the most significant benefits of teaching English online is the ability to set a flexible schedule. Educators can often choose their teaching hours, allowing for a better work-life balance.
  • Work from Home: It offers the advantage of working from the comfort of one’s own home, eliminating the time and costs associated with commuting.
  • Potential for a Decent Income: While pay rates can vary widely, the possibility of working for multiple platforms or taking on private students can lead to a decent income.

Challenges Faced by Online English Teachers

  • Technical Difficulties: Reliance on technology means that teachers can sometimes encounter technical issues, such as internet outages or software problems.
  • Early Morning Hours: Depending on the time zone of the students, teachers may need to work early morning hours, which can disrupt personal schedules.
  • Risk of Burnout: The high turnover of students and the potential for repetitive lesson content can contribute to a feeling of burnout over time.
Online teaching can offer a much more relaxed schedule than other teaching positions.

Essentials of Becoming an Online English Teacher

Navigating the pathway to becoming an online English teacher involves understanding specific qualifications and accessing avenues to secure teaching positions.

This section succinctly outlines the crucial steps and requirements to embark on this fulfilling career.

Qualifications and Requirements

To teach English online, individuals typically need a TEFL certificate (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and often a university degree.

Requirements can vary between online teaching companies, but these credentials are widely regarded as the baseline for most ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching roles.

Additionally, teaching experience is highly valued and can sometimes offset the absence of a formal degree, depending on the institution’s policies.

  • TEFL Certificate: A standard requirement that demonstrates proficiency in teaching English.
  • University Degree: Usually a requirement, particularly for companies targeting higher-paying markets.
  • Technical Requirements: A reliable internet connection, a headset, and a webcam.

Finding Online English Teaching Jobs

Securing a position with an online teaching company can be competitive, but with the right approach, it’s entirely feasible.

Prospective online teachers should explore job platforms dedicated to ESL positions and the career pages of reputable online teaching entities.

Here are steps to finding online English teaching jobs:

  • Research: Identify online teaching companies that are hiring by checking job listings and company websites.
  • Prepare: Tailor your resume and cover letter to reflect your TEFL certification and any teaching experience.
  • Apply: Send applications to multiple institutions to increase your chances of securing a teaching role.

Remember, networking and word-of-mouth can also play a significant role in landing online English teaching jobs, highlighting the importance of building professional relationships even in the digital realm.

For more insights into TEFL certificates and how you can get your hands on one, check out the guide below!

Related: TEFL Certificates: Your Guide to Teaching English Abroad

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Maximizing Earning Potential and Career Growth

In the realm of online English teaching, the avenues to augment income and progress professionally are manifold.

Teachers may enhance their earning potential by employing targeted strategies, while continual professional development can lead to career advancements and increased bookings.

Strategies for Increasing Your Income

An online English teacher can optimize income by strategically setting their own schedule to align with peak hours when student demand is highest.

They can also seek to work with multiple online ESL companies, offering diverse rates and student demographics.

In terms of bookings, maintaining a high-quality profile with positive reviews can attract more students.

Moreover, teachers functioning as independent contractors have the leeway to adjust their rates based on experience and qualifications.

  • Peak Hours: Align teaching schedule with high-demand hours (usually early mornings, evenings, and weekends).
  • Diverse Platforms: Work with multiple companies to have access to a wider student base.
  • Profile Quality: Ensure your teaching profile stands out with professional photos, concise descriptions, and clear audio/video samples.

Continual Professional Development

Engagement in professional development is critical for an online teacher looking to grow in their field.

It can become a point of differentiation, enhancing their profile and increasing their value to both students and online platforms.

Professional development can range from obtaining advanced TEFL certifications to specializing in areas such as business English or exam preparation, which typically command higher rates.

  • Certifications: Invest in advanced TEFL certifications or diplomas to validate your teaching skills.
  • Specializations: Consider focusing on lucrative niches like IELTS preparation or Business English.
  • Feedback Implementation: Actively seek and incorporate student and peer feedback to improve teaching methods.
Teaching ESL online can bring in a reasonable income.

Navigating the Digital Teaching Environment

In the realm of online education, effective navigation of digital platforms and maintaining student engagement are crucial to the success of a virtual classroom.

These skills are particularly vital for digital nomads who rely on the flexibility that online teaching platforms provide.

Understanding Online Teaching Platforms

Selecting the right online teaching platform can greatly impact how educators deliver their lessons and manage their virtual classrooms.

Platforms like Cambly and Lingoda offer varying interfaces and tools designed for different teaching and learning styles.

Cambly provides a casual atmosphere geared towards conversational practice, while Lingoda offers structured classes in multiple languages.

Educators should familiarize themselves with the following:

  • Features: Look for interactive capabilities such as video conferencing, chat functions, and the ability to share screens and digital resources.
  • Accessibility: The platform should be user-friendly for both teachers and students, ensuring easy access to course materials and communication tools.
  • Support: Adequate technical support is essential, as it ensures the smooth resolution of any issues that may arise during the online learning process.

Maintaining Engagement in a Virtual Classroom

Maintaining engagement in a virtual classroom is a persistent challenge in online education.

Instructors must employ strategies to keep students involved and motivated in an environment that inherently lacks physical presence.

They should consider:

  1. Interactive Techniques: Utilize polls, breakout rooms, and Q&A sessions to create interactive learning experiences.
  2. Feedback: Provide timely and constructive feedback, critical for students’ growth and interest.
  3. Community Building: Encourage the formation of learning communities within the classroom to foster peer-to-peer engagement.
  4. Personalization: Tailor lessons to meet individual students’ needs, which is often a possibility given the one-on-one nature of platforms like Cambly.

A good teacher should always be able to use clear and concise language, provide visual aids, and adapt their teaching style to the needs of their students.

Check out the guide below for some great tips on how to make teaching online more engaging!

Related Article: How to Make Online Learning More Engaging – Teacher’s Guide

An effective ESL teacher is someone who is able to accommodate a diverse range of student needs.


In conclusion, teaching English online offers a flexible and potentially rewarding career path, balancing the freedom of remote work with unique challenges.

Educators can benefit from setting their own schedules and working from various locations but must navigate technical issues, irregular hours, and the potential for burnout.

Success in this field requires a solid grasp of digital platforms, a commitment to continuous professional development, and strategic approaches to maximize income and student engagement.

As the online education landscape evolves, educators must adapt, ensuring they remain effective and relevant in this dynamic teaching environment.

We hope you find value in this information; you can reach out to us if you require any assistance or support.

Have a wonderful day!

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