Meet David De’ Ath, founder, editor, and writer at Wonderful World English. With his extensive background as an English teacher, David provides valuable insights and practical tips on ESL for students and teachers alike.
With hundreds of millions of learners, English is the most spoken and studied language in the world.
It is the global lingua franca, which means it is the most popular language of choice for non-natives to learn.
From business and tourism to entertainment and academia, English is firmly rooted in the fabric of global society.
The European Union (EU) is no exception, and English is widely spoken around this part of the world.
English is the most popular second language for many in the European Union. The Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, Belgium, and Sweden are the most English-proficient countries in the EU. Finland, Portugal, Germany, Croatia, and Poland also have admirable levels of English proficiency. The EU continues to emphasize English learning.
I am an experienced English teacher and an avid travel enthusiast passionate about languages.
Today, we will explore the different levels of English proficiency in EU countries and provide you with some insights into the influence English has in the EU.
Without further adieu, let’s jump in!
English-Speaking Countries in the EU
English is one of the three official languages of the European Union, alongside French and German.
Despite the United Kingdom exiting the EU through Brexit in 2016, English is still the most widely spoken language.
Despite British people having lost their EU citizenship, the overall number of EU citizens who can speak English has only dropped to 44%.
Due to the diverse linguistic landscape of the EU member states, English is seen as an ideal lingua franca because it has elements from many different languages.
English proficiency correlates with economic growth in many parts of the world and opens doors to opportunities for non-native speakers.
EU citizens who can communicate in English become more employable and able to engage in international interactions.
English is often the primary language for communication and documentation within EU institutions, including the European Commission.
Although MEPs can speak in their native language, many will opt to speak in English,” says Harry Cooper, parliamentary adviser to MEP Syed Kamall. “But the data speaks for itself, English is Europe’s common language in much the same way Latin once was.”
The Guardian
Despite the EU’s high level of English proficiency, the language is not evenly distributed.
Some member states have much higher levels of English than others.
The list below is based on the updated EF English Proficiency Index data of 2022 and other information regarding English proficiency in the EU.
Let’s take a closer look at the ten countries with the highest level of English proficiency within the European Union:

1. The Netherlands
The Netherlands is at the top of the list as the most English-proficient country in the EU!
Due to the country’s geographical closeness to the United Kingdom and the strong shared history between the Netherlands and the U.K., English is very widely spoken here.
With a strong emphasis on English education in the Dutch education system, the countries’ English proficiency is exceptionally high.
Although the official language is Dutch, almost 95% of the population speaks English. Therefore, not knowing Dutch isn’t an issue!
HZ University of Applied Sciences
The Dutch language is a mix of English and German and is considered the easiest language to learn for English speakers.
The similarities between the two languages make learning English a much more achievable feat for Dutch natives.
So, any English speaker looking to travel or move to the Netherlands can rest assured that they will be sure to converse in their mother tongue almost anywhere they go!
The Netherlands is not only the most English-proficient country in the EU but also the most proficient country in the world where English isn’t the native language.
Did you know that the Netherlands also boasts one of the highest quality of life ratings on the Quality of Life Index?
Check out the guide below to find out the best English-speaking countries to live!
Related Article: Best English Speaking Countries to Live in (Top 12)

2. Denmark
Another juggernaut of English proficiency in the EU is Denmark!
This Scandinavian country boasts a very high English proficiency, which is highly emphasized in the nation’s education system.
Around 86% of Danes speak English as a second language.
On top of learning the language from an early age, Danes are also widely exposed to English media through music, movies, and TV shows.
This exposure helps Danes improve their English language abilities from a young age, and it’s not uncommon to find a Dane with an Americanised accent when speaking English because of this.
Overall, if you want to travel or move to Denmark, you will surely get by just fine using English, especially in urban areas.

3. Sweden
Sweden is another Scandinavian country boasting a very high English proficiency level.
With a significant emphasis on English learning from a young age, Swedes are exposed to the English language throughout their formative years.
This, alongside the widespread consumption of English media, has caused Sweden to be one of the most English-proficient countries in the EU and the world.
A very high proportion of the Swedish population, around 86%, can speak English, since it is universally taught in schools from a very early age, so almost all adults in Sweden can speak English proficiently.
Sweden boasts an excellent education system, so it is no surprise that English is so effectively taught here.
English speakers will be easy to come by in Sweden’s cities and tourist hotspots.

4. Austria
Next, we have Austria, which may come as a surprise to some of you.
German is Austria’s official language, although it also has a high level of English proficiency.
Austria teaches English as a compulsory subject in schools, so English proficiency is higher among the younger generations.
English is very widely taught and spoken in Austria, with around 73% of the population being able to converse in English.
English will be more commonly heard in Austrian cities such as Vienna and Salzburg, as opposed to rural areas.
Austria also attracts many tourists from English-speaking countries yearly, so English is commonly found in tourist hot spots around central Europe.

5. Finland
And yet another Scandinavian on the list is Finland!
Although Finland doesn’t have relatively as high a level of English proficiency as the other Scandinavian countries, it is still relatively high compared to non-Scandinavian countries in the EU.
English is quite widely spoken in Finland, though not quite as prevalent as the other Scandinavian countries. Around 70% of Finns report being able to speak English, many of them fluently,
English is widely taught as a second language in Finnish schools, and the language can be commonly found in the country’s cities and tourist hubs.

6. Germany
Germany is the largest economy in Europe and boasts a high level of English proficiency.
Although it does not have the same high percentage as some other EU members, it has the largest population of all the countries (83.2 million as of 2021).
Recent figures estimate the proportion of English speakers in Germany at around 56% of the population. More than half the population speaks English to some extent
Over half of the population speaks English; that is over 40 million English speakers!
English is taught as a mandatory subject within German schools from the primary level.
As with other countries, English speakers in Germany will be more commonly found in cities and tourist spots.
Germany is a popular country for travel enthusiasts; some even seek to relocate there long-term.
Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) is a great way to find a good-paying position in Germany.
Click the guide below to find out more!
Related Article: How to Teach English in Germany – Guide (2023)

7. Belgium
Belgium is another country in the EU with a high English proficiency level.
The level of English in Belgium differs from region to region, with the northern region of Flanders having the highest level of English proficiency in the country.
Around 55% of the Belgian population can speak English on a conversational level.
Despite English being widely spoken, it is the fourth most popular language in Belgium, behind French, Dutch, and German.
While Belgium doesn’t have as high English proficiency as other countries within the EU, travelers can expect to find a fair amount of Belgians to converse with, especially in the cities and among the younger generations.

8. Portugal
Portugal is ranked highly on the English proficiency index, although the language is not as widely spoken here as in other EU countries.
Portugal is a popular tourist destination, and English can be found in touristy hotspots, such as the Al Garve.
About 2.9 million Portuguese or 27% can speak and demonstrate English competency.
English is taught as a second language in Portuguese schools from age 10, a few years later than in some other countries.
Despite this, English can still be found, especially among younger people who have spent time learning by watching movies and TV shows.

9. Croatia
Croatia is yet another country within the EU that has a good level of English proficiency.
English is taught as a mandatory subject in schools from an early age, and many Croatians have at least basic proficiency.
Around 60% of the population having some kind of grasp of English. Accurate up to date statistics are hard to find, but English speakers are especially common in major cities and tourist regions, especially along the coastline.
Although many Croatians can hold basic English conversations, they are not in the EU’s top tier of English proficiency.
That said, visitors to Croatia will still be able to find English speakers and will get by just fine, especially in cities and tourist spots.

10. Poland
The tenth and final country on the list is Poland!
Poland has seen great improvement in English proficiency in recent years, with more emphasis on learning the language in schools.
Although English proficiency isn’t as high as others on the list, it continues to grow, and English speakers can be found in Poland, especially in the cities.
In general, English is fairly widely spoken in Poland, with around 37% of Poles overall reported as being able to speak English to some degree.
While English proficiency is still improving in Poland, there will be some areas where English speakers will be hard to find.

Honorable Mentions
It is worth noting that there are several other countries we didn’t include on the list.
Norway, for example, has a very high English proficiency at around 90%, but it is not a member of the European Union, so we didn’t include it.
Ireland is another EU country we decided to leave out because English is an official language there, and we wanted to focus on countries where English was studied as a second language.
Another honorable mention is Luxembourg, which has a very high level of English proficiency at around 80%.
We didn’t include Luxembourg due to its relatively tiny population compared to other countries in the EU.
And, of course, English is the official language of the United Kingdom, which removed itself from the European Union in 2016.
Europe is renowned for being an expensive place to live and visit.
Despite its high English proficiency, some may consider it too expensive.
If you want to know the cheapest countries with high levels of English proficiency, you’re in luck!
Click the guide below to find out more.
Related Article: Cheapest English-Speaking Countries to Live in (Top 6)

English in EU Society
As we can see from the list above, English is firmly embedded into the fabric of European society.
It is widely emphasized within many countries’ education systems and has become many people’s second language of choice.
Below is some information on English in the EU:
1. English in Education
English is widely taught as a foreign language in primary schools across the EU.
Many children will begin to develop a foundational understanding of the language at this level.
Students will expand on this in secondary and higher education, depending on their location.
Having good English proficiency is often required to be admitted to international universities, with many offering English-taught programs.
Major cities attract large numbers of international students, and English is most often the language folks from around the world will communicate in.
You may also be interested to know what Asian countries have the highest levels of English proficiency.
Click the guide below to find out!
Related Article: What Asian Countries Speak English? – Full Guide

2. English and Business in the EU
It is no secret that English proficiency correlates with economic growth.
Many multinational companies and businesses seek English speakers to come and work for them in the EU.
This is due to English being used as the language of communication.
So, having a high level of English proficiency gives people a competitive edge in the job market, giving them more opportunities to grow and develop.
3. Initiatives to Improve English Proficiency
The EU continues to put a large emphasis on its citizens learning English.
The EU funds language and exchange programs to help bolster the English proficiency of many.
On top of this, the EU also encourages the development of English teachers and promotes the integration of English into the education systems around the continent.
The European Language Label is an example of an EU-fronted initiative to learn English.

English is the most widely studied and spoken language in the European Union.
English is an important tool to open doors to new opportunities in all areas of society, from business to education.
English proficiency levels vary among EU countries, with Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands boasting the highest.
English proficiency is growing all over the continent, however, and the EU has built initiatives to improve its citizens’ language skills and provide them with more access to opportunities.
Communicating in English can open a world of opportunities, and many people worldwide spend great time learning.
Whether you’re a student, looking for work, or wanting to explore this beautiful continent, there are many opportunities in the EU for English speakers.
We hope this has helped you better understand the influence of English in the EU and which countries are the most proficient.
Take care on your journey!
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